
Our Story

12 years ago World has seen Androids Play market and Apple App store, so 2008 could be proud calls the year of mobile apps birt. That year’s founders of Standard 1 were already working together as manual/automate QA experts. During next year they start the new chapter of their lives – mobile developers age. It was an interesting time because of a lack of technologies, weak devices and an extra small market( the main device of that time was Nokia on Symbian OS and we believe you also had it)

Device manufacturers are trying to minimize development difficulties and simplify development languages. As a result – simpler Swift and Kotlin languages. It was like fresh air for us in the early 10s. If before the mobile was considered as one of the points of contact with the audience, now in many areas it has become even more important than desktops. We have done more than 20 projects based only on mobile platforms with a short landing page that is proving mobile self-sufficiency in some industries.

Since that time we have grown in more than 20 times and now 25+ skilled mobile developers are working on MVPs, mid-market, and enterprise projects. They are members of Israeli, USA’s, Canadian projects and part of one big family – Standard 1.